Nearly 96% of businesses are calling on the next government to prioritise providing increased government support, which includes financial incentives, a according to a new survey.

A recent study conducted by BSI suggests that the majority of UK businesses are advocating for greater governmental assistance to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

The research, based on a survey of over 1,000 senior decision-makers across various sectors, highlights concerns over cost and political uncertainty as significant barriers to progress.

Nearly 96% of respondents urge the next government to focus on providing greater government support.

While the majority of businesses (83%) express commitment to achieving the UK’s legally binding net zero emissions target, the report underscores persistent barriers hindering progress.

Nearly half of the surveyed businesses cite cost as a primary barrier to decarbonisation, with the cost of living / energy crisis further complicating efforts for over half of them.

Moreover, the report highlights disparities in preparedness and understanding across different sectors and business sizes.

Larger firms tend to be more advanced in their net zero practices, with a higher proportion setting targets and measuring emissions.

However, challenges such as a lack of clarity on what net zero entails and difficulties in finding suppliers with net zero credentials are prevalent across the board.

Scott Steedman, Director-General, Standards at BSI said: “Non-financial reporting will soon force businesses that don’t show leadership in their supply chains to become followers.

“From government, now is the moment for a clear policy environment that encourages organizations to invest and innovate towards net zero.

“We have made great progress in the last 12 months in aligning international standards with the net zero transition and disclosure requirements and we now have the opportunity to press ahead to scale up the implementation of best practices for decarbonization across all sectors.”