Ofgem has released guidance for RO, FIT, REGO and SEG scheme participants considering co-locating storage facilities.
Ofgem has unveiled guidance for participants of the Renewables Obligation (RO), Feed-in Tariffs (FIT), Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO), and Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) schemes contemplating the co-location of electricity storage facilities with accredited renewable generation installations.
As the energy system shifts towards decentralisation, operators of renewable generating stations aim to co-locate storage facilities, although legislation under RO and FIT schemes doesn’t explicitly address storage.
Ofgem asserts that, if scheme requirements are met, storage deployment alongside accredited generation can remain valid, but cautions on potential impacts on support eligibility.
Four principles are outlined for operators considering co-location, with guidance stressing the need for independent legal and technical advice before making changes or investment decisions.
Britain’s energy regulator said: “It is possible that co-locating storage may impact the eligibility of an accredited RO generating station or FIT installation to receive continued support under the schemes, or may alter the amount of support received.
“Generators should consider carefully the requirements of the scheme to ensure their proposed configuration does not adversely affect their ability to receive support under the schemes.”